S Brown Counseling
S Brown Counseling

Serving St. Louis City &
St. Louis County
My practice offers a variety of services to individuals, couples, families and organizations throughout St Louis city, St Louis county and the Metropolitan St Louis areas. A list of those services are detailed below. Please feel free to choose the one that best fits your needs.
After you've chosen your service, click the link that best applies. For example, if you are interested in therapeutic services, please click, "Make a Referral." If you are an agency or a school and would like professional development, please click "Professional Development." Someone will contact you within 48 business hours to complete the process. If it is outside of business hours, someone will contact you the next business day. All communications are electronic, so please add S Brown Counseling to your address book and check your spam.


My practice offers a variety of services. A list of those services are detailed below. Please feel free to choose the one that best fits your needs.
Individual Therapy (unique care tailored to an individual's needs and circumstances)
Family Therapy (2 or more individuals related to one another biologically or via marriage)
Couples Therapy (2 individuals considered friends, colleagues, married, and/or having romantic involvement)
Adolescent/Young Adult Therapy (ages 12-25)
Group Therapy (3 or more unrelated individuals sharing a common issue)
Licensure Supervision (State of Missouri LPC candidates, approved to receive supervision hours for licensure. Candidates may or may not have taken the NCE but it is preferred)
Internships & Practicums (For students completing a bachelors or masters in psychology, professional counseling or enrolled in psych nursing program, who are in need of a clinical site to fulfill program requirements and enhance professional and clinical skills)
Young Ladies Mentorship: (​Providing one on one personal and professional development to young ladies and young moms between the ages of 13-30. This service is free of charge. Only 4 ladies selected per calendar year. Must be serious about attaining and maintaining measurable life goals. Click HERE to apply)
(Professional Development) Trauma and Its Effects on Violence and Classroom Management* (Participants explore the epitome of trauma, how to identify it within themselves and others, the coping styles as it relates to various cultures, how to manage classrooms or environments in which students or patrons exhibit symptoms. Great for professionals and educators. Click HERE to apply)
Parents R' Us Parenting Group *(Participants discuss child development, co-parenting, assess their roles as individuals and parents as well as learn the skills needed to practice unconditional love towards their children and/or partners)
(Professional Development) Cultural Competence with the Black Community: A Workshop on Understanding Inner City Dynamics * (Participants will explore the conditions and worldview of those living in the inner city compared to those of rural and suburban areas. This workshop will challenge biases towards the population as well as explore and identify the factors associated with the ineffectiveness of professional services such as in-home/in-office counseling and/or case management. Participants will learn tips and techniques useful in helping the population connect, decreasing resilience to therapy and other professional services. Click HERE to apply)
Motivational Speaking: Using personal and professional knowledge to inspire/educate a target audience.
* Workshops require a contract and 25% deposit due at registration